The syntax is different, plus the label must precede the line in which proc appears:
long if 0
enterproc fn MyCommandProcessHandler( nextHandler as EventHandlerCallRef, theEvent as EventRef, userData as pointer )
dim as OSStatus result : result = _eventNotHandledErr

// ...

exitproc = result
end if

local fn InstallMyCommandProcessHandler
dim as EventTypeSpec eventSpec

eventSpec.eventClass = _kEventClassCommand
eventSpec.eventKind = _kEventCommandProcess

#if def _FBtoC				// FBtoC

call InstallEventHandler ( fn GetApplicationEventTarget(), proc "MyCommandProcessHandler", 1, @eventSpec, #0, #0 )

#else				// FB

begin globals
dim as proc sMyCommandProcessHandlerUPP
end globals
long if ( sMyCommandProcessHandlerUPP == 0 )
sMyCommandProcessHandlerUPP = fn NewEventHandlerUPP( [proc "MyCommandProcessHandler" + _FBprocToProcPtrOffset] )
end if
call InstallEventHandler( fn GetApplicationEventTarget(), sMyCommandProcessHandlerUPP, 1, @eventSpec, #0, #0 )

#endif // def _FBtoC

end fn