How to Prepare and Import PMT's
Data into PMP Overview
The Import process copies
Property Maintenance Tracker's ( PMT ) data for Property
Maintenance Plus( PMP's ) use. That is, PMT's' data will be copied and become
PMP's data. It copies PMT's
Properties, Providers, Tasks and Maintenance History Data.
After the import
completes, PMT's data remains intact and available for PMT's
The Import overwrites PMP's
current data, if any.
The import does not have
an undo, so be careful.
The import
requires permission to access your PMT data. This is part of
step three below.
Some post-import steps are necessary because PMP
requires owners and PMT's imported data does not supply them.
See the Post-Import Steps
below for details.
Step by Step
Step 1: Pick PMP's "Import PMT Data…" menu item
Step 2: Read the instructions and warnings on the next panel
and press the "Next Step in Import Process" button to proceed.
Step 3: Select PMT's data folder named "BrilorSoftware".
The panel should automatically select it, if it exists. Its
location is: /Users/YourUserID/Library/Containers/com.brilorsoftware.PropertyMaintenanceTracker/Data/Library/Application
Note the panel's instructions
Press the "Choose" button to grant permission and continue
Step 4: After the Import finishes successfully, a panel will
appear. It might have messages about overwritten files.
Remember the Overview's warning ( above ) about overwriting
PMP's files? These messages are reporting which files ( if any
) were overwritten.
Press the button at the bottom of this panel to conclude the
Post-Import Steps( AFTER the Import )
PMP requires owners and since PMT's imported data doesn't
supply them, the following steps are required to connect the
imported data with the correct owners:
1. Owners must be added to PMP. Choose PMP's
"Add/View/Delete Maintenance" tab and from the "Owner" popup
menu pick the "Maintain Item List…". This opens another panel
which maintains a list of owners. Add your owners in this
2. After adding the owners, the properties must be connected
to the owners. The properties were imported, so go into each
property ( via the "Add/View/Delete Maintenance" tab and
"Property" popup with "Maintain Item List…" ) and change its
owner. To do that, double click a property to populate its
data at the top of the panel, select the owner ( in the middle
of the data on the right ), and press the "Change" button.
Repeat that process for all properties.
3. The owners must be added to the imported maintenance
history data. A button on the property panel ( via the
"Add/View/Delete Maintenance" tab and "Property" popup with
"Maintain Item List…" ) automates it, so no worries. Double
click a property to populate its data at the top of the panel
and the "Update History for Property" button should activate.
Press this button to update all the maintenance history for
this property. Press the "Update the maintenance history with
the owner name 'xx'" button when the confirmation panel
appears. Repeat the process with each property ( double-click
the property and push the button ). Each time a property's
maintenance history is update
This panel requests confirmation to perform a maintenance
history update: